My idea is to get a small figure such as the box man shown in my research pictures, and hide it within a environment such as the other pictures in my research. i will try and use the techniques that DjSamerA uses. It will be a form of Marco photography, but using a figure to evolve all my pictures around. Each picture will be set in a different environment, maybe first in a pile of leaves then after in a tree and more.
Each Image I will try to use a different technique to create a different effect on each image.
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
The image was taken by a guy name Alexander Pompa and is a picture of a box man sitting in what seems to be a nest of some sort. This picture is in black and white which may have been edited after the picture was take. the photographer has placed the focal point at the legs of the box man. The object is placed to the left of the frame, and has high contrasting colours. the technique which is used in the photo, is where the itme has been placed, which i am gonna think about when it comes to my final piece.
The image was taken by a guy name Alexander Pompa and is a picture of a box man in a tree looking direct at the camera. The photographer has used natural light (the sun) in the picture and has placed his main item of centre to the left, leaving a large space to the right. Alexander Pompa has not used any editing features in the image unlike he other images. The item has been pleace in the tree which is situated to the left of the frame, with the man there as well. when it comes to my final piece i am going to use natural light in my final piece.
this picture was taken by a member of a website called devaintart, the photographer is called Bamako.
Bamako has placed to focal point in the very back set of trees, drawing your eye towards the back of the image. Natural light has been used in this photo to give it a warm and happy feeling to it, making it nice to look at. Bamako has framed the photo so not all of the trees are seen an you can also see some of the forest floor.
this picture is from a memeber of deviantart name DjSamerA. this picture is of a tree stump cover in moss in some woods which is hidden under leaves. the focal point for me is placed upon the tree stump. DjSamerA has edited the image to make the colours contrast more and made it brighter. DjSamerA has used natural light like most of their other photos. The picture was taken in a portrait allowing more of the scenery to be seen.
These two pictures link to my initial idea by using a figure or model of some sort. The figure will be hidden making him hard to see without looking at the picture closely. I intend to do macro photography using the figure. One of the above images are black and white which i might consider doing in the end with one or two of my images to have a bit more variety within my finished piece.
The Photographer Casualeye has used the weather to help create his photo. The Trees have been place in the middle of the frame, this shows the size of the trees.This photo has a low contrast, from the use of blacks and white.the depth of field is hard to see as the trees are in a line across the photograph. Its hard to see whoch part of the main focus point is because of the mist/fog, When it comes to the lighting, the light is natural light, but is not very bright which helps this photo.
This Photograph is of forest or ice close up, which may come under hidden as it would be hard to see without looking closely.
Starting with the light, which is a dull natural light. The frosted stick has been placed in the middle of the frame. This draws the viewer directly to the object.the contrast is a night contrast in the foreground but the background has a mix of grey, blue and white in it so you could say the background has a low contrast.
The Photographer remijones has thought about the depth of field, thinking about how much light is going into the lens and the size of the aperture. The main focus point for me would be set on the red die (2th die back on the left) on the number 11 and 13. For the lighting i would say it was both natural and artificial lighting, to help give the shine on the dice. I would say this photo has a high contrast, with the colours being clear and standing out. The technique That remijones uses it how he/she the aperture, which i may think about using in my final piece.
I like the way the photographer Senderosolvidados has used the time of day to help create the photo. The position of the trees helps the way the viewer view the photo. For me the focal point is where the grass is lit up, but it my be on the dark tree in the middle. The contrast for this Photo would be low as there is no colours that have a solid line between two colours. In the foreground there is just the grass with the sun shining on it, but in the background it is hard to know what is going on because of the suns glare.
RebechaWW has used natural light to create this image. the way she has used natural light is by the sun's rays, making it look light the light source is brighter. I would say the contrast is low, as the colours in the trees slowly blend together and is not a solid line splitting the colours. RebechaWW has positioned the path so the suns rays met, drawing the viewer to the middle of the screen. The position of the sun tell us that it is either early morning or later afternoon. The rays also draw the viewer from the top left to the bottem right of the photo. The suns rays make the photo soft and easier on the viewers eye.
What i like about this image is how IvanAndreevich has used the trees as lines to draw the viewers attention to the end of the path. Its hard to say where the focus point if on this photo as there is loads of branches crossing, but my focus point would be on the second tree on the left. There is not artificial lighting in this as the photo is outside so natural light has been used. Its hard to tell but I would say that the photo has been taken with a setting that makes the colours a little more vibrant, being brighter then what the eye would normally see.
The photo has a low contrast as the greens in the trees blend with the grass verge on the left.
Demonflame has used natural to help out with this photo, with using a software to edit this photo. The contrast for this photo would be low as again there is no solid colours and just a blend of colours within the trees. The way Demonflame has positioned the path draws the viewer the the middle right, to were the path is going off to. To me the focal point is on the large section of the path before it starts to narrow down into trees. With the position of the sun you might be able to see the time of day which could be just before mid day or not long after mid day.
The photographer grindz0ne, from deviantart, has used natural light to create a sense of mystery and suspense. The way the suns rays come through the trees make it softer for the viewer to look at. The main fosux point for me would be on that thin dark tree near the middle of the photo. By the light you are able to tell what time of day it is. This is a low contrast photo as all the colours blend together and have no solid line to separate the colours. A effect might have been used to make the photo softer and make it easier on the viewers eyes.
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Initial Idea
My initial idea is to do Nature photography, and maybe combine a bit of Marco photography within for my final piece, for the category HIDDEN. This would link to hidden due to the fact I will be trying to take photo’s of places that you may not see at first or look hidden and out of the way from everyday life, or of things which re hard to find. I may include a model of some sort to be a main focus in my final piece.
The research I’m going to do is to find out different techniques when doing Marco photography. Find out different angles and lighting.
I researched a Photographer earlier in the course called Alessandro Zocchi and will be using some of the techniques he uses to help with my Photography.
Thursday, 10 November 2011
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Eploring Shutter Speed
1st picture - 30"
2nd picture - 15"
3rd picture - 2.5"
4th picture - 3
5th picture - 500
6th picture - 4000
the slower shutter speed just came out white and as we increased the speed the image became sharper and more clearer. The image also doesn't blur. The first three were over exposed so it was bleached out.
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Photo's Taken Based On A Photographer
This picture was taken by Alessandro Zocchi
The photographer i have chosen to do my work around is Alessandro zocchi who is a Macro Photographer in nature, animals and more.
The techniques Alessandro Zocchi uses are different angle shots and lighting. Both of these used together create brilliant photographs. Alessandro Zocchi thinks about the position of the frame to create an effective picture. He also thinks about where he focuses the camera.
I have tried to uses these techniques in my photographs.
techniques i have used that Alessandro Zocchi like focusing my camera on the main centre of the object i was trying to capture.
I also used different angle shots to get a different perspective of the image.
i also tried to use light in my pictures to make the colours stand out more.
i believe i used the same techniques that Alessandro Zocchi used.
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