Tuesday, 31 January 2012


in this picture i found my football hidden under a bush. I had the main focus point on the ball itself and had the bush blurred. I made sure the ball contrasted the bush so it was clear on what it was. By using the positioning of the camera, having a low down angle, i tried to recreate the feeling as if someone is bent over looking at the ball. I also tried to keep as much as the bush in the way, blocking the view of the ball.

With this picture I changed a few setting on the camera so the image came out as a light blue colour, then using Photoshop CS5, I change the light setting to bring on the trees as they were very pale. By changing the colour of the image using the cameras main setting, allowed me to create a feeling of mystery and wonder. I frame the image like this, using the trees to guide the viewers eye down the middle, looking deep into the fog.

This photo was framed to so the tree was mainly blocking out the sun, giving this picture a feeling of sheltered and protected feeling.. I used Photoshop to make the sun to change the light levels which made the image darker and brings the shadows out on the trees a bit more. With the colours being majority warm colours, bring that nice hot summer feel to it.

I then had the idea to use a model as my focus point to see what the out come was like, and these are my experimentation.

for this picture i tried to use the rule of thirds to place the model nearer to the right, but it didn't work as the model is in the middle. This photo was one of the one's that didn't turn out how i wanted as i focused the camera on the wrong point so the depth of field is not where i wanted it to be. I also found out that the setting were not as i had wanted them, giving it a more dull and lifeless look to it.

For this image i tried to use the natural light to try and focus the viewer to the large animal on the right.but then slowly draw then across to the left, hopefully making the viewer notice the model. my depth of field was deep but not very deep, this allowed me to get everything in focus. Although the image was framed how i had planed, the light levels were not correct, having the animals in the front darker then the one at the back.

This is one of my better experiments. This is because i used the rule of thirds to place my model in the top right hand corner of the shot. I also changed the aperture to create a shallow depth of field to make the model  out of focus but still visible.  I used a natural light for the image which helped when focusing the photo, using the shine on the glass as my main focus point.

In these pictures i tried to hide a model but not fully so it is easy to find. I have chosen to do this idea for my final piece with using a different model. Although my idea was to hide the model, I then found it hard to locate where the model was, this allowed me to improve on where i place my model when it comes to my final piece.

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